Friday, June 11, 2021

Who's There?

I heard a sound, the sound of a creature close by crying in distress.  Until I got up to look, I didn't realize just how close the creature was.  A little turklett, less than six inches tall, was on the porch, on the step into the house, looking in the screen door and crying for help.  I've had stray creatures come on the property many times in the past, but never so young and never so close.  "Where's your mama, darling?"  As I went to open the door, Baby ran off the porch to the side.  Turkletts aren't as fast as quail, but they're pretty darn fast and there was no way I was going to catch this one.  It ran off down the slope and around the corner.  All I could do was hope for the best.

It was such a relief as I went back into the house to hear Mama turkey in the backyard do what all mothers of lost children do.  First she gave Baby a good what-for scolding and then comforting sounds of relief.

I love a story with a happy ending.

Stay safe.  Be well.