Saturday, June 19, 2021

Under The Gun

Yesterday morning PG&E put a notice on FB that our area was due for a rolling blackout beginning at five o'clock.  Well, we knew that was going to happen, but I did appreciate the heads up.

I needed a plan.  What could I get done that required electricity while we still had power.  Hmmm.  I rediscovered that which I already knew:  I work better with a deadline, otherwise I'm inclined to put it off til tomorrow, the day after, or not at all (like dusting).  I got several loads of laundry washed and dried, made sure there was lots of ice, filled the water dishes, including the basin outside for the wild things, and put a big pitcher of water in the fridge.  The lack of water in an outage is the worst of the worst.  I recharged the cellphone.  Knowing I wasn't going to cook anything, I had an early dinner from the microwave.  Closer to deadline, I took Michael out and hosed him down again.  I even ran the whole-house fan (which I always forget I have).  All of this was done in slow motion because the heat was so oppressive.

And then we waited.  Five o'clock came and went.  While watching the local (five o'clock) news, I saw an announcement that the blackouts would start at six.  Okay, an hour's reprieve.  And we waited.  And...nothing.  Boy, we dodged that bullet!  Since today is purported to be equally as hot, the gun is still loaded.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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