Sunday, August 21, 2011

C Is For...

C is for Chimney.  (Oh, good grief.  I seem to have gotten hung up on the alphabet.  Oh, well...we'll ride this pony for a while and see where it takes us.)  The wood stove has a metal chimney.  It's like dust on the furniture; when a thing has been there long enough, I may look at it, but quit really seeing it.  Not too long ago, I did note there was a circle of discoloration on the chimney stack and some on the roof below it, indications that there had been, thankfully, just a small chimney fire last winter.  Not wanting to put responsibility on family or friends, I called a professional to come and inspect and, if need be, repair the damage.  We've had a bit of a problem connecting, but Chimney Guy finally drove up yesterday and got out of his truck wearing the traditional chimney sweep top hat, doffing it in the grand gesture.  Like a physician, he asked questions and I described symptoms.  He then went up on the roof for a hands-on inspection, coming down to say the integrity of the pipes had not been damaged.  I had been seeing dollar signs flash in front of my eyes, so I was much relieved.  It seems that, with the wood pile dwindling, I had been frugal putting on logs and keeping a low fire, allowing gases to condense and form creosote instead of burning off.  I had been unbelievably lucky that the chimney fire had been contained to just the one hot spot and high up.  I got chills thinking of the "might have been."  I won't make that mistake again.  His minimal bill paid, Chimney Guy exchanged his top hat for a ball cap and drove off.  We dispensed with the "see you soon" farewell.

C could also be for Crying.  At one month, Twenty-Two is old enough to start the weaning process and I began cutting back on his bottle feeding yesterday.  He is drinking water from his dish and eating some grain, and I need him to start upping his intake of solids.  Twenty-Two is not happy at this turn of events and is quite vocal about it.  It's not easy listening to a baby cry.


Kathryn said...

C is for Cranky, which is how I get if someone cuts off my food supply! Kind of like, "You've had enough ice cream, now here's your Rye Crisp...fill up on that instead!" I know, I are being a good Mama - tough love and all that! : ))

I had no idea that being a frugal wood-burner could be a BAD thing. At least your wood supply is abundant, and I'm so glad that it was a pleasant and inexpensive experience with the Top Hat Doffer!!

Kathy V said...

I guess your endless wood supply due to the demise of the oaks will keep you fire hot and the chimney cleaner. Do you have new batteries in your smoke alarm? Just checking.