Monday, August 8, 2011

Lazy Day

The lavender bed is finally and completely weed free (temporarily, of course).  Being a NASCAR Sunday, that was about the only productive thing I got done yesterday.  There was a long rain delay in the middle of the race at Pocono so I took the obligatory NASCAR nap; felt good.

As happens so frequently, once again I am glad I'm not visible to any neighbors.  On the way down to the barn in the morning, I carry Twenty-Two's bottles in one of the empty milk buckets.  On the way back to the house, both buckets are full and there's no room in my pockets, so I've been stuffing the empty bottles down the front of my bibbies.  Glancing down, I noticed that just the bottle nipples were showing.  It's been a long time since I could be described as perky.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Short blog deserves a short answer: Dare I say...TMI?? ...and LOL!!