Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Brown Foxes

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.  Every typing student learns this phrase, and it came to mind yesterday.  It's not that Bessie Anne is lazy, she's just not a morning person.  She might get up with me before the crack of dawn, stagger down the hall to the kitchen for a slurp of water and a quick nibble, but then it's right back to bed for her.  Having had so many problems with her legs, Bess can't jump up by herself and needs a boost.  The things we do for our furry friends.  It's a bit alarming on a cold night to awaken to breath on my neck, living alone as I do.  Bessie snuggles up close and shoves her nose under my hair to keep warm.  She's lying on the bed behind me now, gently snoring, as I type.  Funny little girl.

I've got my work cut out, thanks to the generosity of family and friends.  I've not yet used up the butternut squash from Christi, Guy brought the beautiful Turk's Turban, Deb and Craig grew the spaghetti squash and the yellow bell pepper, and Joel dropped by yesterday with the five bigger pumpkins to go with my one lone effort.  Recipes are flipping through my mind like a Rolodex.  The overriding thought is, "Yum!"

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Not being the gourmet cook that you are, I have to laugh. When I saw the bottom picture, I smiled at all the fall and Hallowe'en color - silly me, I was seeing décor, not food!! And Bess could be my girl, as I'm not a morning person either...but I do admire those of you who are!