Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Animal House

I decided that "Animal Farm" was too Orwellian and Belushi's "Animal House" was more appropriate and descriptive of life at Farview.  Bess declined to go outside and chose to wait in the house while I milked and did barn chores.  Ready for a sit down and cool off, I found there was no room in the inn.  Bessie had put up the Do Not Disturb sign and left me just enough space to perch on the edge of my chair.  Repeat, my chair.  It was a case of "Let sleeping dogs lie," so I perched.

It's not as if the resident kids lack for toys.  Their basket overflows, and others are scattered throughout the house, giving the appearance of a daycare center. 

Ralph (it's always Ralph) came into the room dragging this pig scrubber mitt from the bathroom.  He resembled a lion with a fresh kill.  It took me a minute to realize where this new toy had come from.  Ralphie has a short attention span and when he went on to other adventures, Celeste gave the poor pig a second mauling.

The plum trees are heavy with fruit this year.  I'm not the only one waiting for the plums to ripen.  Deer cruise through daily now in anticipation.  They get the low stuff and the birds go for the top.  If I'm lucky, I'll get some plums from the middle.  Or not.

About 3 a.m. an owl hooted seemingly right outside my window, followed by a few desperate screams from a small, unfortunate creature.  Given that owls give fair warning, it's surprising to me that they hunt successfully.  The owl flew off with his take-away meal and I went back to sleep.  And so ended another day at Animal House.

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