Friday, September 10, 2021

For Real?!

It's been so long, I wasn't sure I knew what I was hearing.  Michael knew, and was asking to go outside last night way past his normal visitations.  Hey, when a guy's gotta go, he's gotta go, so out we went.  It was raining!!  No, for real!  Real rain and real wet.  Wow!  We sat out on the porch for the short duration and it was wonderful...the sound, the smells...just wonderful.  It didn't last long, but rain came again in brief spurts over time and I rejoiced.  This, however, was followed by thunder and lightning over the hills and once again I was in 'Please, No' mode.  Dry lightning causes fires.  My hope was that the lightning would strike in already burned-out areas.  I haven't seen the news yet, and am happy in my ignorance.

We're due for a ten-degree drop in temperature today.  Be still, my heart!!

The day had been hotter than Hades, but the night was a winner, for real.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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