Wednesday, September 22, 2021


As if we didn't know, the huge Harvest moon is a sure sign we're in transition from summer to fall...a couple of cool days and nights and then the heat lands again with a thud.  Ah well.

Florence and Dan stopped by yesterday.  Florence always comes in laughing.  She has taken it upon herself to keep the water trough in the goat pen filled, not because there are goats now, but because the resident vultures use it as a swimming pool.  She says there are always six or eight of the big birds splashing or floating.

A small herd of four deer wandered by on the driveway in front of the house, taking their time and enjoying the view.  They are one of the perks of living here.

Michael continues to shed.  The trash bag was full but light, stuffed with huge balls of fur.  I hope this stops before we get down to bare skin.

Ralph is so into our bedtime snuggle routine now that he beats me to bed, tapping my shoulder if I'm slow to lie down.  That's okay, I like it, too.  Michael snores, Ralph cuddles, and Celeste is tucked in behind my legs.  All's right in my nighttime world.

Cardboard accumulates at an alarming rate.  Glass and plastic can go in the recycle bin, but boxes accumulate.  Helper Dude is coming next week to make a dump run and get the north end of the deck back in shape.  I'm looking forward to that.  HD and his family had to evacuate during the worst of the fire here.  After 23 days, they were allowed to go back home, unsure of what they would find.  I can only imagine their relief to find their house still standing, among so many that didn't escape the flames.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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