Thursday, September 2, 2021

Sound Track

As I've said before, there is music playing constantly in my head.  The last few days I've awakened to Mr. Rogers' theme song, "A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood," because it has been so fitting.  Clear blue, smoke-free sky overhead and cooler temperatures have been such a relief.

A good portion of the day has been spent watch the progress of the fire toward Lake Tahoe, feeling deep sympathy for those evacuees and firefighters.  I know this isn't the only fire devastating California, but the Caldor is in my home environs.

A 40-year retirement party was held on TV last evening for Lonnie Wong, a local news reporter.  I met Lonnie when he was a rookie covering some event at Cal State University and I was a student.  We happened to be at a table outside The Pub (great clam chowder) and got to talking.  I've followed him all these years, one of the staples of a local channel.  My, how time flies.

Missy, the little semi-feral outside cat, comes around every couple of days to chow down on food I put out for her.  She allows me a few pets and then gets down to business.  She was one of my worries when the fire was so close.

The fire left and my appetite came back.  I've developed a passion for bananas and grapes and they're on every list I've given my benefactor Florence.  (That's the cue for "Yes, We Have No Bananas.")  They'd last longer if I had any vestige of self-control.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I don't think you have to have any vestige of self control with the bananas, so long as they are not adorning bowls of banana splits - LOL (Even then...go for it if you want!!)