Tuesday, September 28, 2021

More Rambling

Chefs will now tell you to remove bay leaves before serving a dish.  Back in the day when my Kids were little, all we knew was not to eat them.  I told my Kids that these leaves were special and whoever found one could make a wish while licking off the sauce, same as  breaking a wishbone.  My Kids hunted for bay leaves like they were buried treasure in their dinner and no one was in danger of choking.

We got a couple of hours of steady light rain last night, maybe enough to do some good this time.  I'm glad it stopped, because Florence and I have our day planned.  This includes a doctor's appointment (me), a hardware store (her), a few other stops, and then the grand finale, having lunch out!  The last time I ate out was back in April, I think, when Michael and I had hamburgers at Bones Roadhouse.  I'm sorry my little friend can't come along this time.  I've explained to Michael this is a girls-only outing.

Six-thirty and it's still dark outside.  It's getting dark at six-thirty at night, too.  Boy, the seasons change fast.  Someone asked me the other day how I was fixed for firewood, this while I was still turning on the ceiling fan for the hint of a breeze.

Celeste is a lap sitter.  Ralph is a bedtime snuggler.  She wraps herself around my ankles when she wants something.  Ralph takes the more direct approach by tapping on my shoulder.  Siblings, their personalities are so different, same as my Kids.

Omigosh. what a gorgeous red sunrise through the remaining clouds, a great way to start the day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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