Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Saw Dogwoods!

Good news, bad news.  It was that kind of day.  Good news:  the truck passed smog.  Bad news:  no one came to tell me the truck was done, so I sat outside for an unnecessary forty-five minutes waiting.  Good news:  it wasn't raining.  Bad news:  the rear turn signal went out just as I was leaving the shop.  Good news:  they replaced it at no charge.  Bad news:  didn't get five minutes down the road before the light went out again.  Good news:  I stopped at a parts store for new bulbs and the nice man said it might be the taillight module, less than forty dollars and I can replace it myself (yeah, he said I could).  Bad news:  the part has to be ordered and it means another trip into town.  Good news:  I saw the dogwoods in bloom on the way home...maybe just one more snow.  It's always good to end the day on a bright note.

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