Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's All Perspective

Yesterday down in the goat barn, Flute Snoot brought out her/his progeny to meet me and have a little breakfast.  Tiny little mice with heads no bigger than a dried kidney bean, with the distinctve elongated nose of the parent.  Now you see 'em, now you don't...many forays out and quick ducks back underground before the little ones got brave enough to sit at the edge of the mouse hole to nibble on grain and watch me with solemn bright eyes.  After enjoying their company and antics, I brought the milk back up to the porch, and there was Frank, a mouse tail hanging from his lips and pieces-parts at his feet.  He also enjoys mice.


Kathryn said...

Perspective indeed...hard to think of a snappy remark so let's just say...I hope it was Flute Snoot's evil cousin, and Frank was just ridding the world of a devil mouse!!

Cally Kid said...

We have 9 guardians of the house and garden: Mr. Kitty aka Kadog (thinks he’s a dog), Marley, Maurice, Jack (the 4 indoor/outdoor cats), China, Peaches and Boots (the adopted outdoor cats), then Tamale and Salsa (Farmers Market cats gone feral). We don’t have a serious problem with mice…go figure. The investment in food should at least yield some milk, meat or alpaca fur don’t ya think? The cats can often be seen patiently hunkered down by a gopher hole. Dawn complains that they want to show them off and bring them into the house. That’s only the ego-hungry males, I say. The females dispatch the prey immediately. Jack actually prefers birds and Mr. Kitty only has enough patience to harass the slower lizards and frogs which we discourage cuz they’re our bug-getters. There are a lot of lizards with no tails in our flowerbeds. In Florida the cats are stalked by the lizards…BIG alligator lizards. It’s boa constrictor/python hunting season here. Now that’s a worm for big fish….just a little dangerous getting it on the hook. Matter of perspective from the other coast.