Saturday, April 24, 2010

Zero to Sixty

The weather changes so fast here it could make your head spin like that kid in "The Exorcist."  Snow a couple of days ago, and this weekend it's supposed to go to eighty...winter to summer and a short week's worth of spring.  Whoever wrote Jack and the Beanstalk must have lived in Fair Play, where you can watch the weeds shoot up in front of your eyes.  At least now the goat barn will dry out. 

I'm getting the liniment out now.  The days ahead, weeding in the vegetable garden, are going to be hard on the back.  Having put it in writing, I'm now going to accomplish a garden this year, and no excuses.  Stubborn is a word I've heard said about me before...not that I agree.  I much prefer words like dedicated, intent, committed, persevering, determined, or, in the words of Larry the Cable Guy, "Git 'er done!"  (Mark's remark yesterday, "Lord forgive me and bless the poor pygmies in Papua, New Guinea," is also one of Larry's lines, and it cracks me up every time.)  I've got to move milking time up so that I can get in and out of the barn and into the garden before the heat of the day.  I think that will be okay with the girls.


Kathryn said...

You and Mark just crack me up!! I had a whole comment written yesterday and I saw a mistake before I had jumped thru all the "posting hoops" and I hit backspace (with nothing highlighted, mind you) and the whole thing disappeared into the black hole of cyberspace. But there was something about yuck to snails, yay to puppy dog tails, your older folks being even more formal than in Leave it to Beaver and Donna Reed...and you know you are from the San Gabriel Valley if you call it a "wash!" (Oh, today's summary is even better :-) And yes, I would say that you are DEFINITELY where you belong!!

With that said...I had no idea until now that California could claim the same line as Ohio (and other places to the far right on the map)..."If you don't like the weather, then just wait 5 minutes!" It changes dramatically back there too. It is nothing to drop or raise 20 degrees one day to the next. And when it does, you feel like you are jipped (sp?) out of the season that you are supposed to be in! So..."git er done" and we will be waiting with baited breath for the next installment of "Bo's Green Acres!"

Cally Kid said...

Kathyrn, heed my advice “edit in Word & then cut-n-paste”. If your well written thoughts disappear into the blog black hole, No Worries”, maximize Word and cut-n-paste again. As Bo says “be committed & persevere”. I have a picture in my mind of Diane walking down the rock lined road, straw hat firmly fitted on her head, bib pockets stuffed with chevere cheese, fresh eggs, left over baked penne while drinking from a jar of “mayonnaise milk”, pulling a bleating goat behind her and searching for a glimpse of the gypsy with the magic garden seeds. Why don’t you stake some of your herd in the garden patch to help with some of the weeding? Come harvest time I hope you’re not resigned to picking only volunteer tomatillos and pithy squash! Good Luck with the garden.