Sunday, March 18, 2012


Satellite internet access may be the greatest thing since sliced bread, unless it's snowing.  Satellite television is just terrific, unless it's snowing.  My guests from New Hampshire came to California for a number of reasons, one of which was to get away from a New Hampshire winter.  So what do we give them?  Days of downpour rain and now snow.  The wind must have finally blown the snow from the satellite dishes, because I could finally get on line.

I will say that the weather, wet, windy, and cold, has not dampened our spirits...spirits being the definitive term here.  We sampled the wares at a few more of the local wineries yesterday, coming home at dark to the corned beef and cabbage dinner that had been simmering in the crock pot all day.  The snow had started to fall in the early afternoon.  It didn't really accumulate until sometime during the night.  So far so good with the power (fingers crossed).


Kathryn said...

Seriously...that is some serious snow!!! And to think, it was probably 80 degrees in New Hampshire! Hope your satellite holds out and that you stay connected with the world! And to think - spring is just a few days away!

Kathy V said...
