Thursday, December 6, 2012

Just Around the Corner

Yikes!  I do pretty well keeping track of which day of the week it is, but I don't have a lot of reason to look at the calendar for dates, which is why most birthday greetings I send are the belated variety and I am frequently blindsided by upcoming events.  Like Thanksgiving.  And Christmas.  Fully aware that these holidays come in batches, I had a pretty good idea after the turkey leftovers were gone that Christmas would be coming up but it wasn't until yesterday that I realized it would be here so soon.  It's coming with the speed of a train and I am, once again, not ready.  The price of postage has prohibited sending cards, which is a shame because that was something I truly enjoyed.  It does, however, free up some time for other preparations.  Yesterday was another rainy day (just regular rain and not a storm) and a good day to stay inside and bake cookies.  It made me miss my Kids.  Not just my Kids as they are now, but my Kids when they were little.  With four Kids, there was one to lick the beater, one to lick the spoon, and two shared the bowl.  I never bothered with cookie recipes that made fewer than five or six dozen; they weren't worth my time.  Like baby birds, the Kids would wait around the oven for the first pan to come out and those cookies were snatched up in the blink of an eye.  Baking cookies is a lot more fun with children in the kitchen.

Decorating the tree is more fun with Kids, too.  Back in the day, we still put tinsel on the branches.  Deb would carefully place each strand just so.  The boys would stand back and lob a handful in the general direction of the tree or each other and laugh like loons.  Martha Stewart would not have been pleased.  We made red and green construction paper chains, glued with homemade flour and water paste, which didn't taste as good as the white library glue that came in a jar and every child I ever knew sampled at least once.  I made a clay dough from flour, salt, and water and the Kids made ornaments, some of which I still have.

Traveling down Memory Lane is nice, but it's not taking me in the right direction.  I need to step on the gas and get going.  Christmas is right around the corner!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Well, as Bob Hope would say, "Thanks for the memories!" I'm sure we could all add ours after reading today's blog. My grandmother was the tinsel expert and her tree was laden with silver perfection. While I was not allowed to throw it on, I did tire of the delicate hanging after a short while and not ALL my strands were perpendicular to the floor! Thanks for the fun.