Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Head In The Clouds

Bessie Anne reminds me of a little kid who always wants to hold mommy's hand.  She'll ask to go outside, but then hesitates by the open door and says, "But you come, too!"  It doesn't take much of an excuse to draw me along. so we go together out to the end of the deck to sit in the sunshine for awhile.  There was still a lot of moisture in these leftovers from the day before, and they were beautiful floating in the clear blue sky.

A power outage was to be expected during the height of the storm a couple of days ago.  It was very unexpected yesterday when the sun was shining, but there you go; it happened.  I've been taking my time washing the last of the windows, but with not much else to do in the middle of the day, it seemed a good use of "down" time.  The power came back on within an hour, just out long enough to have to reset all the digital clocks in the house.  For someone without a strict schedule to keep, I sure have a lot of clocks.

Only this last remnant of clouds remained at sundown.

It was a good day.

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