Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Playing The Odds

Odds were only slightly better than fifty-fifty that the laundry would dry on the line yesterday, but what the heck, I was willing to take the gamble.  Linda has been living out of a suitcase with limited wardrobe, so there's been a lot more washing to do lately.  At 37 degrees this morning, I'll bet she wishes she'd brought long-johns.  Even with the sun playing peek-a-boo behind the clouds all day, everything on the line but one pair of socks (?) got dry.  I win!

Odds are against this late-comer rain beetle ever finding a mate.  The rest of that group came out with the first rain.  The clothespin is there to give a perspective on the size of these bugs.  They're big!  They are also clumsy and have a talent for ending up on their backs like turtles.  I turned this guy over twice in the morning and finally told him he was on his own.

It's a sure bet I'll be lighting the wood stove today.

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