Sunday, November 28, 2021

Dinner With A Friend

Michael and I got around to having Thanksgiving dinner last night.  I was surprised to find that the whole meal could be done in the microwave in a matter of minutes.  TV dinners sure have changed from the old days.  I had sworn from the git-go that I would not feed this dog from my plate, but somehow realized that it's just much nicer to have dinner with a friend.  I am very selective about what tidbits Michael gets...generally protein only.  We did try a bite of carrot last evening and I thought he'd eaten it, but found out he'd spit it out behind his blanket.  He feels about carrots like one of my Kids feels about peas.

Yes, we still need more rain, but the weather lately has been perfect, sunny and warm(ish) days and crisp, cool nights.  We've been going to bed earlier just for the pleasure of snuggling under warm blankets.  I do mean 'we' and I do mean 'snuggle.'  All four of us fit into my spot on the bed like a pack of huskies in the snow.

I may be the only two-legged in the house, but I sure don't live alone.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

One of my brothers feels the same way about peas!