Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Possible Solution

The Uninvited comes every evening just as the sun drops over the horizon.  I can't stop it from coming, but I may have found a way to get it to leave.  As soon as I hear the first nibble (bad table manners), I turn on the whole-house fan.  That makes one heck of a racket and hopefully scares it's socks off.  I may have to flip the switch one more time before the creature can't take it and all is quiet again.

There is a small drawback to this plan.  No matter how nice the day, the temperature plummets at sundown.  Even though the fan is on for just a few minutes, it does it's job well and sucks what warmth there is up and out of the house.  Oh well, worth it if it scares off the critter.  I'm guessing the Uninvited is either a mouse, squirrel, or rat.  There would have to be a noticeably large hole for anything bigger.

Wish me luck!

Stay safe.  Be well.

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