Thursday, November 25, 2021


The passing parade of birds never ceases to fascinate me.  Right now the trees are full of busy, busy woodpeckers boring holes to stuff with acorns and the air is filled with their rat-a-tat-tat and raucous cries.  It's also the time of the dinky birds, those little bitty guys whose chirp is as tiny as they are.  They're partial to the nearly bare lilac bushes in front of the kitchen windows.  Michael and I watch them flit here and there from our perch on the porch.  There is no shortage of turkeys on parade, but, given the holiday, they're keeping a low profile just now.

Michael has become quite adventurous to the limits of his 20-foot leash.  For the longest time he's been heading to the right side of the walkway, choosing just the right juniper to favor with his attention and shuffling through the leaves.  In the last week, he's been exploring the left side, going into what used to be the herb garden and the huge rosemary bush.  I had started letting him off the leash when Florence would come by, but the last time, the little booger took off down to the road again.  That ended his free-roaming days and he;s back on the lunge line.

It's been way past chilly to downright cold lately, and we both look for patches of sunlight when we're outside.  Yesterday even the sunshine had no warmth.

Because of the chill, Celeste has once again become a lap cover.  The looks I get when I have to get up and displace her.  Ralph has become obsessed with making muffins on my arm.  It really puts him in the zone as he stares into space while kneading like a demented baker.

Another holiday without the Kids.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Darn that Michael. I thought for sure he had matured in his Farview residence to be able to be free to roam. Silly boy! And so sorry that you are missing the kids.