Wednesday, November 3, 2021

I See A Pattern

A definite pattern is emerging, this one day on, one day off thing.  I haven't decided whether to go with it or try to overcome it, but it's there.  After that day of waiting for he who never came, I got so much done yesterday, stuff that has been hanging fire for ages.  True, I move at a snail's pace, but I did keep moving.  I'd like to keep the momentum going, but the creaks and groans getting out of bed tell me this is going to be a do-nothing day.  Ah well, Scarlett, tomorrow is another day.

Yesterday was also Visitors' Day.  Florence came with a very welcome shopping delivery and had time to sit and chat for a bit.  I so enjoy her company.  Chuck also stopped by later on.  He is kind enough to take my trash down to the big road, and he likes to talk.  He's a man with a vast history of world-wide experiences to share.

Michael provided a reason to take breaks throughout the day.  He does this mind-meld thing, sitting directly in front of me and staring intently into my eyes until I get the message.  "You.  Will.  Take.  Me. Outside.  Now."  For a nonverbal dog, he makes himself very clear.  On these recent chilly days, sometimes all he wants is to lie in a patch of sunlight.  I'm okay with that.

I think today will be a sit-and-plan day.  That's the pattern.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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