Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cabin Fever

This crazy, on-again, off-again weather is making everyone cranky.  Yesterday was a full-blown rain, hail and wind storm, and today the sun is shining.  Everything is frozen over and the ice is thick on the deck.  The cats go from door to door, a la Robert Heinlein's cat, Pete, in Door Into Summer, looking for the one that will open into sun and warmth.  (I highly recommend that old book.)  Bessie Anne races around the house like a mad thing, trying to get some exercise.  Stumpy, in the laundry room, beats a tattoo on the dryer, bored out of her little bird brain.  Completely out of spare rooms, I put Sheila in the barn hallway last night, just in case she decided to kid during the storm.  I actually dusted furniture before there was enough coating to write in...a sure symptom that I've caught cabin fever. 

Notice that Frank went down for the three-count and Pearl ends up The Winnah!  Girls Rule!!

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