Sunday, September 4, 2011

Q Is For...

Quite the lad!  Little Mr. Full of Himself, Twenty-Two has learned to jump up on the lidded feed barrel in his crib.  The next step was, of course, to jump over the gate.  Now I never know where he'll be, except underfoot.  I'm going to try soon to move him in with Nineteen and hope they'll get along as roommates.

Time schedules get a bit wonky when I have company (there's so much to talk about), and it doesn't help that the days are getting shorter.  Almost dark when I was putting the girls to bed last night, Esther, last in line, got herself spooked and was on high alert.  Peering through the dusk, I finally located the source of her panic.  Frank was walking along the fence line.  Snorting the danger signal, Esther wouldn't go in the barn until Frank got close enough for her to see he was the same old cat she saw every day.  She gave one last snort of disgust and went to bed.

One entertainment I can offer here is wine tasting.  We happened to hit the three wineries at a slow moment in their busy day yesterday and my great-niece and I were able to chat a bit with our hosts as we sipped.  Fair Play promotes the local product as "Wines With Altitude," and one of the fringe benefits of each winery is a tremendous view.

To Kathy V.:  there is cause for celebration in Times Square.


Kathy V said...

Celebrate! Celebrate!

Kathryn said...

Q...huh??? And the best you could do was Q-uite? Well...I had a Q-uizzical look on my face, and then raised a Q-uizzical eyebrow, as I read Kathy V's Q-uizzical remark!!! You guys are brats, you DO know that, don't you? And you had better QUITE know that I am QUITE having fun with my tongue-in-cheek remarks! I'm told the Q-uizzical remarks will be revealed most likely before the actual calendar notation for Times Square for the rest of us...but until then, I shall be Q-uite happy to be strung along...Q-uite totally in the dark!