Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Love A Parade

A constant stream of animals and fowl paraded through the property yesterday.  It is certainly not unusual to see wildlife here, but not in the numbers that I saw all day.  One tribe of turkeys waited under the oak for the breakfast buffet while another twenty or so were gathered in the goat pen as I walked down to the barn.  I darned near had to kick them out of the way; they were in no hurry to leave.  Deer were sighted throughout the afternoon, singles and in pairs.  Coming back from a trip to the feed store (my big outing for the week), a number of vultures were sipping from the goat trough and I had to wait while another tribe of turkeys cleared the drive.  A bit later, I watched more turkeys pecking and scratching in front of the house and a pair of ground squirrels playing tag in between the turkeys' legs.  Going out to take in the laundry was delayed because I didn't want to disturb the three deer that were grazing through the yard.  At sundown, the goats were snorting the alarm as they watched a strange black cat prowl across the far pasture, certain it was a panther looking for dinner.  It took some effort to convince them there was no danger and that they'd be better off in their rooms anyhow.

 A parade of another sort will arrive on Sunday.  Dave has organized a work force and all of my local Kids are coming to split and stack firewood to set me up for the winter.  While it is said that many hands make light work, there is nothing light about this kind of work; believe me, I know!  My Kids lead busy lives and it's hard to express my appreciation enough for giving up a day of their time, let alone their labor.  It will be great to see this bunch together.  I can't wait!

I love a parade.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Of all the parades you mentioned, I think Sundays will be the best by far!