Monday, September 2, 2013

More Beauty, More Beasty

Smoke from the Rim fire continues to drift up from Yosemite and obscured the rising sun yesterday; not difficult to tell the dirty brown smoke from the wispy clouds.  That isn't a mountain in front of the sun; the smoke bank is that thick.  The deltas continue to clear the air later on, but I think that gunk has a cumulative effect on breathing.  Bessie also is starting to wheeze.  Like so many records one never wishes to be broken, the Rim is now the fourth largest fire in California history at 225,000 acres.  It did make for a beautiful, if eerie, sunrise.

I know I expressed concern about Ms. Mantis's choice of location yesterday, but never dreamed she'd heed my word and hitch a ride into the house.  Must have jumped unnoticed into the cuff of my bibbies and off when I brought in the milk.  It wasn't until afternoon when I reached for the handle on the refrigerator that I realized I had an uninvited guest.  I also discovered that I have really fast reflexes!  We had a brief discussion regarding invitations and lack thereof, and then I rather unceremoniously escorted her out, relocating this traveler to a pot of petunias.  She was put out in more ways than one and used those prickly forelegs to let me know just how unhappy she was with me as a hostess.  I have to draw the line somewhere.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Well now THAT takes gall...coming right INTO your house and attaching herself to the refrigerator. I'm guessing she wasn't expecting to be fed, but that's taking safety and "safe harbor" to the next level. I hope she likes petunias, third location...being the charm and all.