Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pearl Tries

From my seat in the barn, I can see Pearl rubbing up on Bessie Anne like Frank used to do.  It's hard to tell how my girls feel about Frank being gone, but it's as if Pearl is trying to fill in for her brother.  Bessie Anne accepts these ministrations from Pearl with good grace.  Frank was in the habit of coming to sit on my lap or beside me in the chair, especially in the morning.  Pearl now jumps up to be with me, but she's more of a Type-A personality and cannot sit still.  She tromps back and forth across my legs for a few minutes before leaving.  She is also one of those cats who wants to be petted, but then drops that eighth of an inch below my hand so that all I brush are the tips of her fur; frustrating!  It has been awhile since Bess has asked to go walkies, but she did want to go out last night.  The half-moon was so bright I hardly needed the flashlight to see our way around the drive.  Pearl came to join us, but it was as if our little parade was missing the bass drummer.  She still chooses to sleep elsewhere than on the bed with Bessie and me, but she's trying in so many ways to follow in Frank's paw prints.  Perhaps she needs that continuity for comfort, too.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Wow, I find it fascinating that she is trying to fill the void. Animal instinct is so fascinating, even though this might not fit in that category.