Thursday, November 6, 2014

Blue Blazes

The last page turned, the book put down, and I'm out of excuses.  The question now is where to begin.  It's a matter of priorities.  I'm thinking windows first, as they should stay clean until Thanksgiving, and then work my way down the list to those things that must be done last minute. I don't know how I'm going to sell the plan to Bessie Anne.  She's taken a liking to book-and-bench breaks and gets a bit bossy if I dilly-dally when she wants "us" to go outside.

There were 30-40 turkeys in the goat pen yesterday morning, and they were in no hurry to vacate the premises.  They parted like waves as I passed through and wandered amongst the goats when I let the girls out.  Cindy is giving me cause for concern.  She and Esther are two of triplets and are the oldest girls in the herd, going on thirteen.  Cindy has gone off her feed before, but rallied and came back.  She didn't eat all of her bedtime snack and didn't want breakfast.  One worries when a goat doesn't eat, it's so not like them.  Age takes its toll.

Cooking for one can be a challenge.  I sometimes circumvent the situation by cooking a lot and freezing.  Last night I baked seven mini-meat loaves, also throwing a potato in the oven for my dinner.  I like knowing I've got six more meals ready to go, and only the one bowl and pan to wash!  I'm trying hard to adapt to the new time schedule:  sundown at 5:00 now.  I rarely have a reason to go out after dark (unless I get an urgent demand from Bess), and so I'm back in the house when evening falls.  While working in the kitchen, I caught sight of this sunset and couldn't resist grabbing the camera for one more photo.  It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I so appreciate your sunsets, as I would have to drive to see mine, and I don't. And prayers that Cindy either rallies or doesn't linger - cycle of life for sure. Good luck with your lists!!