Monday, April 26, 2021

April Showers

(April Showers, song, Al Jolson, 1921)

Yesterday's light rain probably did nothing for what is purported to be another drought year, but it was welcome just the same.   In the lyrics of the song, April showers will bring May flowers.  One flower I am not looking forward to is that of the awful, awful weed that is proliferate in the spring here.  I've yet been able to find its name.  It comes up as a truly lovely, lacy, fernlike plant, and sometimes grows over two feet high.  It puts out many tiny white flowers, and then shows its true nature.  Each of those delicate flowers puts out bijillions of equally tiny dart seeds.  Those seeds get in your socks, in the dog's toes, and they're not only everywhere, they are difficult and painful to remove.  There seems to be a bumper crop this year and I'm putting out an emergency SOS to Helper Dude to come save me with his weed-whacker before the flowers come.

The flowers on the wisteria have doubled (quadrupled) in number and the light lavender has deepened to purple.  It's really spectacular.  The problem is that the vines and flowers are so heavy that they've nearly destroyed the square-wire fencing around the garden area.  Since I no longer grow a garden, that's not so bad, but it looks tacky.  The price of beauty.

Another flower I'm not happy to see are the little pink guys that come along with the Baby Blue Eyes.  The pinkies grow up to put out the whirligig seeds that screw their way into everything.  Gotta give it to Nature, she knows how to take care of her greenery.

Looks like it's going to be clear today.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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