Saturday, April 17, 2021

Day Tripper

(Beatles, 1965)

For a stay-at-home, go-nowhere (except under duress) dud, I'm sure on the road a lot lately.  Yesterday's appointment resulted in another scheduled trip to the hospital next week.  Aarrgh.

I took a much more pleasant trip in the afternoon.  I'd received a notice about a package waiting at the post office and I stopped there on the way home.  I knew I hadn't ordered anything and no one had said anything about sending something, so ???  It turned out to be a boxfull of old (really old) family photos from my nephew.  There are many of my oh-so-dapper, suit-and-hat, father.  He hated to have his picture taken and even with this new influx I have only one where he is smiling.  He was in his 40s when I was born, so I only knew him as an older man.  A lot of these pics were taken, I know, with an old box Brownie.  I thought I'd entered a new age when Steve gave me a digital camera, and then zoomed into the future when my iPhone took pictures!  There are photos of my sister as a girl, and lots of me growing up.  My mother was a truly beautiful, dark-haired woman.  I let my nephew know how much I treasure his gift.

It is a bright and sunny day, but the wind is howling and trees are bending.  It's the time of year when the oaks are putting out their seed fronds and I know Michael will bring in more than his fair share.  Oh goodie.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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