Sunday, April 18, 2021

Give Me A Minute

I don't know how many times I hit the panic button yesterday, thinking it was Thursday.  "Remember to do this.  Did you take care of that?  Ohmigosh, did you call so-and-so?"  Take a minute here.  Oh for Pete's sake, I'm watching cooking shows so it must be Saturday!  I guess I'm a little more concerned about next Friday's procedure than I'd realized.

Michael and I take a few minutes out of our busy day (that's a laugh) to sit outside in sunshine or in shade to breathe quietly and listen to either the birds or the stillness and enjoy each other's company.  Some of the best moments of our day.

My mental data banks are so full now that it sometimes takes me a minute to shuffle through to pull out that name or word.  It will come to me, I promise, but it may actually take a day or two or in the middle of the night.  Life is full of surprises.

Things to do, no places to go (yay!).

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I know what you mean about forgetting what day it is. I have different obligations with my grandchildren on some days and not others and I have to check often. I have found it very helpful to just glance at the home screen of my iPhone as it not only tells me the time in big numbers, but right below that it tells me the day of the week and the date. The nice thing is...we usually have our phones close at hand, or in your case I a bibbie pocket. Yay Apple.