Saturday, April 10, 2021

Good Morning, Good Day

As these things go, yesterday was a piece a' cake.  Dear Stan arrived early, we got to the hospital early, and we were home by 10:30 a.m.  I was out for the procedure, but Dr. told me it had gone perfectly and there were no problems.  How's that for making my day?  One big bonus was getting to share time with Stan...good guy, good company.  We were back before Michael's second walk, so I wasn't the only one pleased.

I'd like to thank those who sent good wishes and held the good thought.  I'll admit to some trepidation, but found you can take courage from others.

The agenda is clear this morning.  It's going to be another good day.

Stay safe.  Be well.


Emmy said...

Glad to hear it is over and all is well.

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I'm SOOOO happy to hear this. Even checked the blog last night in case you posted an update then. Yay