Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Timing Is Everything

It should be no surprise that Looney Tunes Ralph has some wires crossed.  I have yet to figure out why he runs zoomies through the house, brrrp-brrrping as he goes.  I do feel bad for him, though, when he decides it's time to sit on my lap.  Inevitably it's just at the time I've decided, for whatever reason, to get up out of my chair and he only has a minute or two before being displaced.  Celeste has no problem...if there's a lap, she's in it.  He must feel like the proverbial 'redheaded stepchild' as I push him (them) off with appropriate apologies.  Celeste is never flustered as she immediately takes my place, but the looks of confusion I get from Ralph.

My aversion to going to town is pretty well known by now, and yet, here I go again.  I cannot get everyone on the same page to coordinate doctor visits, pre=op stuff, and medication runs for the same day.  Yesterday was a have-to run.  Again, timing is so important.  I have to leave at just the right time in the early afternoon so as to miss the strobe effect of sunlight through the trees on the roads to town, and the same coming back.  Michael enjoys these outings more than I.  First stop was at the cookie store to get gas and then off to Walmart for another new med.  Keep in mind this is someone who, if I took one pain pill a year, it was a bad year.  Right now I'm up to eleven pills a day.  It's almost funny.  Taking all these meds is an exercise in timing by itself.  Once a day, twice a day, these before meals, these with, two of these, one of those.  Good grief!

I have to allow time at Walmart for Michael to visit his favorite bushes, going and coming.  Walking through the store cannot be rushed because his fans are many and talkative.  Yesterday a gentleman and his wife told me about traveling in Germany with their dog after properly admiring my boy, and a little girl petted Michael the whole time we were in line for the pharmacy.  No wonder Michael likes our outings.

He's not going to be able to go with me today nor Friday.  Hospitals are funny about letting dogs into their hallowed halls.  Michael is a Certified Emotional Support Animal, and I cannot think of a place where his support would be more needed.

We'll see how today's trip goes.  I have to be in town by 10;15.  I wonder where the sun will be.

Stay safe.  Be well.. 

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Good luck on Friday
We will be thinking of you