Saturday, August 28, 2021

Two Little Words

Two words are constantly on my mind and on my lips.  Just two words, sometimes said in rapid succession, sometimes aloud, sometimes alone and often to others.  I don't think I have ever meant Please and Thank you more heartfelt or sincerely.

Please keep us safe.  Please let the west wind blow.  Please let the power come back/stay on.  Please protect my family and friends.  I ask for a lot, and much has been granted.

Thank you for another day.  Thank you for my loved ones.  Thank you for Florence, my friend and provider.  Thank you for Michael and the cats.  Thank you for the firefighters who work in the midst of this terrible disaster.  Thank you for the huge favors granted and so much that cannot be named.

The smoke is better today (not good, but better).  Thank you.

Two more words.  Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Please make the smoke lessen for my friend, "Bo," and Thank you for keeping her safe!