Thursday, October 21, 2021

Day On

I don't know where it came from, but yesterday morning I was hit with a wave of ambition.  It's been so long, at first I didn't know what it was.  I tried to ignore it, sure it would soon pass, but that was a no go.  It kept niggling at me until, fine!, I'll get up and do something.  Hmm, let's start with something easy.  Maybe if I put in a load of laundry it will go away and leave me alone.  Two loads washed, dried, and folded later and the itch was still there.  How about if I do a quick clean up in the kitchen?  Nope, I tried that.  Everything got put on hold so I could watch The Great British Baking Show, but my eyes kept straying to the dust-covered coffee table.  Starting with the furniture in one corner, I had worked my way, dust rag in hand, halfway around the room when I was saved by the arrival of Florence and Dan.  Believe me, they got a heartfelt welcome, and it wasn't just because of the groceries they brought.

It remains to be seen whether there will be any residual effects today or if it was just a 24-hour bug.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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