Thursday, October 14, 2021

One Day

A pattern has been day on, one day off.  A day of ambition is followed by a day of recuperation.  Yesterday was a day off.  As long as something gets done, I'm not complaining.

There have been more sightings of bears in the area lately.  That only makes sense.  After the fires, they are out of their habitat and looking for food.  I have only seen deer.  A gorgeous buck came by the other day with his harem, a wonderful perk of living here.

Nature favored us with a lovely, almost-warm afternoon yesterday.  It was one of those days when Michael asks to go outside, not to piddle, but to just sit on the porch and enjoy being outdoors.  I'm a willing partner.

It's a warm, sunshiny morning.  We'll see if Nature switches gears for the afternoon.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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