Monday, October 25, 2021

Made It!

It got pretty dicey here yesterday.  I've been through some storms, but nothing like the unrelenting wind and pounding rain like we just had.  I'd be lying if I said there weren't times I was scared, and my thoughts were always for the trees.  Michael asked to go out several times, but once out, he wouldn't step off the porch.  Finally in late afternoon, it was either find a bush or burst.  I'm sure he felt better, wet or not.  Thankfully, we kept power until last night.  When it did go out, I was drained from the tensions of the day and just went to bed.  Obviously, it was a short outage.

It's raining still, but without those hellacious, damaging winds.  I can deal with this.  I'm just grateful we made it through intact.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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