Monday, October 4, 2021

Food For Thought

I am surrounded by extra-special nice people.  Florence and Dan quite literally kept me alive during and since Caldor with food and good company, as well as rides here and there.  Cousin Sandy calls frequently to say hi and spread cheer.  Chuck came yesterday and voluntarily vacuumed my carpets, something I've not been able to do in some time and they were deplorable.  I am grateful for one and all.

It took Ralph a while to recover after his terrible experience in the great outdoors.  He didn't come out of the bedroom for two whole days, and he's just now starting to run zoomies through the house and torment his sister Celeste.  I'm glad to see the old Ralph back again.

Michael is a perfect host, greeting guests, sitting by their side for awhile, and then retiring to leave the grownups to talk.  Yesterday was a bit different.  Chuck, when he visits, sits on the loveseat.  Because he was moving furniture and giving the rug a good cleaning, he would periodically sit and rest...on the loveseat.  Michael became uncharacteristically territorial and jumped up to take Chuck's space.  "My mom, my couch, my space, Dude."  He was polite, but firm, and would not move, leaving Chuck to perch on what was left of the edge.

We're due for a twenty-degree drop in temperature in the next few days.  I can't say it won't be welcome.  Summer is not my favorite season.  Florence was inspired by an offhand comment of mine about lima beans and, don't you know, made a big pot of beans and ham hocks, and was kind enough to share.  Ahh, fall is here for sure.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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