Friday, October 8, 2021

Hot Stuff

During hot weather, I attempt to keep cool (a relative term) with a glass of ice water by my chair.  I drink the water, then crunch the ice cubes.  This summer I drank enough water to float a battleship and crunched enough ice to sink the Titanic and still sweat like a horse.  Oh well.

The onset of cooler nights has sent me in s different direction.  After sundown, the doors that have stood open for months get closed and I head to the kitchen to make a cup of cocoa or hot cider to sip and warm my hands.  Cats that had the sense to lie in front of doors hoping for a breeze once again pile on my lap for warmth.  The bedtime battle for blankets has begun.  If I don't get settled before they do, the fifty-pound behemoths weigh them down and I don't get my share.

We got a good steady rain last night.  There is still standing water on the deck, and that's a good thing.  If nothing else, the rain might help the firefighters on the line at the Caldor fire.  My robe and long-unused slippers feel good this morning.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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