Thursday, October 7, 2021

Not My Style

I am an avid fan of 'The Great British Baking Show."  I am in awe of these amateur contestants who work against time to create fantastic bakes and create such works of art.  Presentation is the end-all, be-all for the winners, and that would be my downfall.

Feeding a family of six, the main goal was to make as much as I could as fast as I could and get it to the table before there was an insurrection.  Everything was served family style and did not require the niceties of a decorative sprig of basil or artistic placement on the plate.

To me, cakes were boring and pretty much reserved for birthdays, six spread out across the calendar.  Pies were more my forte, and I say with some pride that my Kids never took bought cookies in their lunches during all their years in school.  I passed on cookie recipes for a measly couple of dozen.  Those would have been gone as soon as they came out of the oven.  I needed recipes that could easily be doubled or tripled, and I remember the one for molasses cookies that started with five dozen.  The goal was quality and quantity, and little to no decorating involved.

No, I'd never make it on TGBBS.  I might win Star Baker in the pie category, but would fall flat on my face in the artistic arena.  That's just not my style.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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