Monday, July 5, 2010

Day Is Done

I heard a shot, and then, in the last red glow of the setting sun and the quiet that comes with sundown on the mountain, a lone bugler on a nearby hill started to play "Taps."  The notes of this most poignant song quavered and cracked like a voice filled with emotion.  I could only stand at attention with my eyes filled with tears...this was the most unexpected and fitting end to the Fourth of July.  I hope the bugler heard my applause of appreciation.

Yesterday had started with a bang; more like the thudding of my heart!  As I stepped into the milking room to start the routine, I glanced down and there, right by my foot, was a snake.  Standing stock still, I then saw that it was deader than a doornail.  I set about putting out food and letting the first girls out of the barn, and then went back to get a closer look at the snake.  Only about a foot long, it was the black-and-tan of a wannabe rattler, a gopher snake.  Lucy had stomped the snot out of that snake and I don't think there was an unbroken bone in its body.  It's good to know the girls can protect themselves.

Joel and Judy's party was a huge success...lots of nice people, tons of good food, and unbelievably moderate weather.  It's an event I look forward to each year.

The house kids and I spent a restless night.  Pearl had whined all day because she is in isolation, telling me sincerely whenever I'd go visit her that she didn't know what she'd done, but promised to never, ever do it again if I'd just let her out.  She's a pretty vocal cat anyhow, but now she talks nonstop.  At bedtime, I shut the bedroom door and let her in with Bess (who had to check her out, nose to tail), Frank and me for a little socialization.  All night long, whenever Pearl moved to enjoy a little "yard time," Frank would growl and hiss, Pearl would cry because he was being mean, and Bessie Anne would tell them both to shut up!  We'll all be glad when Pearl gets her conehead bonnet off, and maybe we can get some sleep.

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