Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Got'cher Goat!

Goats are great companion animals.  Kit mentioned a news article about a race horse and its goat friend, and said she'd never heard of such a thing.  I was explaining to someone not too long ago that this is the genesis for the saying, "Don't let 'em get your goat!"  The need to bond with the herd, be it other goats, horses, or humans, is strong in goats, and race horses being somewhat high-strung will settle down in the calming presence of a constant companion during their travels from track to track.  Seabiscuit was a good example of the need for this relationship, although, as I recall, after trials with dogs and goats, finally found peace with a pony.  At any rate, it's long been known that if a competitor wanted to sabotage a race, abducting the favorite's companion could rattle the horse's nerves and distract it, causing it to run badly.  And there's the trivia for the day!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Wow, you instinctively knew more about the subject that I even reported. And yes, the horse that I saw on the news was indeed high-strung and that is precisely the reason that they got the goat...and they DID also mention the sabotage element. Hey...did YOU write that piece that I saw on the news about the opening of the Del Mar Racetrack???? Who knew?? I didn't...but you sure did. A Jackie-of-all-trades for sure!! Thanks for expanding the tv news story - I love learning from you!