Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lazy Days

When Nat King Cole sang about the "lazy, hazy days of summer," he didn't mention it was because it was too darned hot to do anything...not because there was nothing to do!  We did get a whiff of the delta breeze yesterday, but still....  I took Bessie Anne and Pearl to the vet; Pearl to get her stitches out and Bess to get her well-baby shots.  I will say that was a bit of a challenge.  The first two trips, Pearl cried piteously all the way.  This time she knew where we were going and her tone of voice changed totally.  She was pissed!  I don't have a cat carrier, so use a huge, heavy metal animal crate.  I learned my lesson with cardboard carriers when Frank almost clawed his way out on Bucks Bar Road and I narrowly avoided driving with a maddened cat loose in the cab of the truck.  Once I got the kids into the vet's office, Bess did her best to become invisible, hiding under chairs.  Pearl's strategy is to ingratiate herself to everyone.  Unfortunately, the incision still hasn't healed and so I'll be stuck taking out the stitches myself later this week.  She is able to go without the conehead thingie and she's grateful for that, but she's still confined in isolation in the bathroom. 

Reminiscing about long-ago summers always makes me think about going barefoot.  I couldn't wait for the first day my mother would say it was okay to go without shoes.  I love the feel of cool grass under my feet.  There is no lawn here, only dirt, gravel, and weeds, and there's no going without shoes.  Even sandals or flip-flops are a big mistake.  When I go to Joel and Judy's Fourth of July party, I find a few moments to myself to sneak off my shoes and walk barefoot on their lawn, disregarding what strange looks I might get.  When I win the lottery, I'm going to bring in loads of grass sod, front and back, and I won't put my shoes back on until the snow flies!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I HEAR ya! I now live in a mobile home park and the plot provides very little yard, but I KNEW when we took the old one off and put the new mfg. home on last year that I wanted enough flat back yard carved out of the hillside to allow for GRASS TO WALK ON WITH BARE FEET!! And so I have a strip that is 10 x 30. The ONLY problem now is that when I walk barefoot, I am walking on hundreds and hundreds of rabbit-poop-pellets!! I had NO idea when I put the sod in that I was planting one giant salad bar! Now I love critters like you do, but c'mon - the grass won't even grow correctly anymore - but it still looks fairly ok from a distance, but never even, as they don't eat as evenly as the mower mows! Oh well, I guess I am their welfare department!