Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunshine is Where You Find It

The wind blew, the rain fell, and later in the day there was sleet/snow/hail, and it was still a great day.  All the kids decided to come up regardless of weather. Dave, Craig, Clay, and Brandon braved the storm and used the yard cart and wagon to pull up load after load of firewood from the goat pen to the front porch.  It's about all I can manage to haul my butt and the milk buckets up that hill even in good weather, and these guys made trip after trip, finally coming in, soaking wet and frozen, for the hot drinks that Deb and I had ready.  How do you thank someone for that?  In my case, I made more fresh pasta and put on a big spaghetti feed.  As soon as the fingers and toes were thawed, out came the cards for poker!  As Linda noted, it was a Thanksgiving do-over, and Brandon was lucky enough to pay off his markers this time.  A houseful of my family twice in a week...I was over the moon!

Deb and I got up early this morning and I had some precious one-on-one time with my daughter over coffee.  Craig is only allowed to sleep in as long as Bessie decides.  She is the official waker-upper and when she's missed him long enough, either scratches on the bedroom door or, if it's left open a crack, jumps on the bed and on him until he joins the party.  There was still plenty of white stuff left on the ground this morning, not melting off until nearly noon, and we took care of some small chores until it was time for them to leave and me to go milk.  The skies are blue and the sun is shining today, but the smiles on my kids' faces were all I needed yesterday.  The firewood will warm the kids warm my heart.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

What a GREAT tale! How do you thank someone for that? You do just what you are love them, you feed them, you thank them, and you have a fun and safe haven that they know is always there for POKER!! Great end to the Thanksgiving weekend - and yours stretched over two!