Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ratty Rita

Most of the chickens have dressed themselves for winter, refeathering those bare backs and bums.  The roosters, Mad King Charles and Tzar Nicholas, once again strut around in their regal finery (still minus the tail feathers).  And then there is Rita, Ratty Rita.  Rita is a Rhode Island Red who stripped down to a bikini (moulted, that is) and has done nothing to get ready for cold weather.  Like Pick-Me-Up Peggy did, Rita runs in front of me at night, stopping so I will stroke her back.  She does not want to be held, just petted.  That naked back is surprisingly warm under my hand.  Like the skin of any plucked chicken, it isn't particularly lovely, and gives Rita a rather woebegone appearance.  She croons as I give her the requested attention.  I think the others make fun of her and this is her way of regaining self-esteem.  In every flock, there are one or two with distinct personalities and/or distinguishing characteristics.  This year it is Ratty Rita.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

"Ratty Rita the Rhode Island Red"...has got to be a song title somewhere, doesn't it? It sounds like a song from the 40s that would be sung by a group of service men on shore leave, or the Sons of the Pioneers around a campfire in an old western. (Can you tell that I have been watching old movies?) I wonder if she was once "Marvelous Margarita" and she has seen better days! The next time you pet Rita, thank her for making this a fun blog!