Sunday, August 24, 2014

It's Magic

I am a proficient practitioner of magical thinking, been doing it for years and have it down to a science.  When I think a thing, consider it done.  For example, I might think, "Gee, I haven't talked to good old So-and-So for ages.  I must give them a call."  Then I'll imagine how our conversation will go; what I want to tell them and how they'll respond.  I can get quite detailed as I write the script.  Of course, I'm busy doing something while all this chitchat is going on in my mind.  By the time I get back to the house or done with the project, the thought of picking up the phone has left me.  Consequently, it may be a long time before So-and-So actually hears from me, but I'm satisfied because "we" had such a nice talk.

I've woken up for some time now envisioning planting the mulberry tree.  I know exactly what tools I'll need and where they are(!).  I'll use the big yellow cart to haul everything down to the field.  I remember that I'll need gloves.  I know it needs to be done before letting the goats out of the barn and before it gets too hot, or maybe after putting them to bed and before it gets dark.  And that's the sticking point; I run out of time or daylight.  Having planted it so many times now, I'm surprised to see the tree still on the front porch.

Time is also subject to my magical thinking.  I'm positive I'll have X much time to beat the deadline and can get such-and-such done well in advance.  This time I won't get caught with my dusting down.  This time I will get showered and out the door and not be late to an event.  It's not that I drag my feet or sit on my duff, it's that I always think I can do everything in the time allotted.  And how's that working?

Perhaps I'm not as proficient as I thought.

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