Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tough It Out

I'm a firm believer in exercise.  No!  Not for me; anyone who knows me also knows it's inconceivable I'd do such a thing.  However, I run a boot camp for plants, indoors and out.  I think it's healthy for the green and growing to stretch the limits of endurance.  The rules are explained to every new plant brought to the farm.  There will be no mollycoddling.  This is no place for wimps.  They must learn to suck it up and they'll be the stronger for it.  Flexibility is a must.  They will be deprived and rewarded.  Just when they think they'll die from lack of water, bent over and touching their virtual toes in defeat, they will be given the life source and spring back time and again.  Faded foliage will not be tolerated; chlorophyll is their personal responsibility.  Should they be of the flowering variety, they will be allowed to keep the results of their efforts as I prefer to see blossoms on the plant rather than cut and put in a vase; that should be consolation enough.  I do believe in second chances and on those occasions when a plant appears to give up, I maintain hope and wait for resurrection.  It might take as much as a year for one that seemingly expired to quit hiding from the program and put out a green leaf; I'm very patient.

As I look out the window this morning, I see that the deck plants are wilting.  It's obvious that they need another pep talk (and a drink of water).  In the meantime:  "One and two, and one and two!  Touch those toes!  Bend and stretch!  No whining there in the big pot, get a grip!"  I can see I've got my job cut out today.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

OMG what a HOOT! Where you believe in an exercise program, I believe in a maintenance program for housework and gardening. Basically my rules are, "Look, I have decorated you and have everything PERFECT, now it is your job to stay clean and tidy (and dusted)," and "Look, I have planted you, now it is your job to feed yourself and stay weeded, and I shall give you some water on occasion." But nobody listens to me either.