Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Sun Shines Bright

"...on my old Kentucky home...."  Totally un-PC song these days, but it kept going through my head yesterday when the sun came out and made the frost in the fields sparkle like diamonds.  Bright light in the sky all day, but it gave no warmth.  I had to break the ice in the water trough on my way to the barn, and I felt so bad putting frigid fingers under the girls.  Bess and I did go out later to sit on the deck, but I stayed bundled in two jackets and a scarf and we didn't stay long.  Bessie's coat has grown out from her summer "do," but she's never had hair on her pink belly and I couldn't think she was enjoying our outing all that much in the cold.

I've got to put Plan B into action.  That baking recipe has turned into the project from hell.  Back at it yesterday, the piping bag split (aargh!), I've seriously strained my wrist with all the pushing and twisting, and I've still got dough to work with.  It came to me in the middle of the night that I can make "buttons" instead of strips.  I'd give it up as a lost cause if the outcome weren't so tasty.

Oh good grief!  Evidently Trash Guy didn't get the notice that our pickup day has been changed.  He's at my neighbors' (being a winery, they get preferential, door-to-door treatment) right now.  The notice was very specific that the new date would start on Wednesday, December 16.  Even when I look at the calendar, I can't win.

I went so far as to bring in the box with the DIY Christmas tree yesterday.  The box is sitting in the entryway.  After the debacle with the baking project, I'm not quite ready to tackle putting all those color-coded branches on the trunk.  Sometimes it's hard to dredge up the Ho-Ho-Ho spirit.  I'm working on it.  Wish me luck!

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