Wednesday, April 18, 2018

More Weather

What with daily changes lately, it's not surprising that Nature finally got around to me and put me under the weather yesterday.  It was probably slogging through shin-high wet grass down to the barn and back and staying damp that gave me a doozy of a cold.  I so rarely get sick that at first I didn't recognize the feeling.  I gave myself the day off and spent most of it napping.

There were two very bright spots:  I got a lovely long chat with Larry, my Kid in Hawaii, and a photo text from Dave showing a truckload of oak rounds he'd been given from his job site.  They'll need to age a year, but it's a good start for next winter.

The old girl isn't done with us yet.  She's giving us a break today, but another storm is predicted for tomorrow.  Phooey.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Wow. So sorry you are under the weather. Can we say, "mercurial???"