Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Waldo II

It tickles me to think of my big biker boy, Dave, shopping for tiny little piglets for his mama.  He has given me many, many pigs over the years, in every conceivable medium and ranging from beautiful to bizarre.  On Sunday, he presented me with another pink piglet and I explained it was really a gift to Celeste.  Dave already knew the story of Waldo, so he was okay with that.

Waldo, at the top, once was as pristine as Waldo II, but, like "The Velveteen Rabbit," has obviously been much loved.  He looks like he's been through the wringer.  A few of the black-and-white piglets are missing some of their detail stitching, but none have been mauled like Waldo.  Knowing I wanted a comparison photo, I was fortunate to find him in the hallway and didn't have to launch a full-scale search party.

Dogie, Bessie Anne's predecessor, had a pet (stuffed) hedgehog.  It was her main plaything, and I would sew up rips and put back stuffing, but I also bought her a replacement for the day when Hedgehog was no longer repairable.  I am going to put Waldo II away for safekeeping for the time being for just the same reason.  Celeste would be bereft without a Waldo in her life.  They talk about "a boy and his dog."  I have a cat and her pig.

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