Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The hard rain of last night and early this morning has tapered to a drizzle.  It's just light enough to see a troop of the most woebegone, bedraggled turkeys straggling up the driveway, scratching in the oak leaves for worms the rain has brought to the surface.  I had to make a special run to the feed store yesterday when I realized I'd run out of bird seed.  It's enough that the toms are peering in the windows...I don't want them pounding on the doors or marching with placards if they miss a meal.  I wonder if I could get designated as a small-time wildlife preserve with a supporting grant. 

It's Veterans Day.  If the rain lets up, I will fly the flag today.  A serviceman or woman doesn't need to make the supreme sacrifice to deserve the nation's gratitude.  It doesn't matter if they serve(d) because of the draft or volunteered; whether their time was spent in Hoboken or Hamburg; if they joined for the benefits (small though they be) or for patriotism.  Who of us would sign away three or four years of our lives for the many?  That alone deserves our thanks. 

Must run...the hummers' feeders are nearly empty. 

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Three cheers for our veterans, and a special shout out to my own father, whose college days were interrupted so he could defend us in the Army Air Corps (The Air Force had not been born yet!) in the Philippines in his P38, named "Willie's Wagon!"

And by the way, since there is a dusk-to-dawn light directly below it, our all-weather flag proudly flies 24/7 on the front of our house!